Disclosure and awareness activities
The Delàs Center combines the work of study and research disseminated through publications and media appearance of its members with the divulgation, training, awareness through the participation of its members in acts of others entities or through organizing of the own training events as conferences, seminars or conferences. In this section you can find some of the events we have organized as Delàs Center or in which we have participated, but to find out the upcoming events that we will participate you can consult the agenda.
- Conferences: The Delàs Center experts participate in conferences and workshops to discuss issues related to the different elements of the armaments cycle, with the military aspects of security in relation to armed conflicts and alternatives to build a culture of peace.
- Courses and seminars: The Centre Delàs has participated in and organised diverse courses and seminars on the arms trade, militarism and the role of civil society as another available tool to spread knowledge on these issues. Consult the next sessions and the summaries of previous seminars.
- Delàs conference days: Each year we offer an education and discussion space for members of the Centre Delàs and interested members of the public to talk in depth about the issues dealt with in each edition. An internationally prestigious investigator always attends. Consult the available material in the conference days section.