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Entre las actividades de investigación, divulgación e incidencia realizadas por el Centro Delàs, la participación o impulso de campañas de denuncia y reivindicación en el ámbito del militarismo, la paz y el desarme es una acción clave para lograr nuestros objetivos. A continuación os presentamos las diferentes campañas que promovemos desde el Centro Delàs, conjuntamente con otras organizaciones y redes internacionales.

The JM Delàs Peace Studies Centre, SETEM, Justícia i Pau, RET, ODG (Observatory on Debt in Globalization), AA-MOC, FETS (fair and ethic funding) promote this initiative to raise awareness of and public condemnation for financial institutions which participate in the arms manufacture, industries which have damaging effects upon peoples and...

The importance of this campaign
In an hour, €127 Million is spent on armies worldwide, and in this same amount of time 1,800 children die in third world countries. These facts along with many others demonstrate a harsh reality: the military uses resources that are desperately needed to remedy society’s problems.
Every year the gov...

Why is this campaign important?
The participation of the armed forces in the classroom is another step towards the normalization of the army and its inclusion in educational spaces. Thus the culture of defense and militarism is encouraged, with the aim of improving the army's image and to encourage recruitment. The values transmitted by ...

Global military expenditure in 2015 was an estimated $1676 billion, representing an increase of about 1.0 per cent in real terms from 2014, according to the new SIPRI report. Given the context of dismantling th...

The Centre Delàs produces critical reports on the Spanish arms trade that you can consult in the reports section of this website. Additionally, in the arms trade statistics section (in Spanish), you can access the up to date data on Spanish arms sales to all parts of the world in the last ten years.
The Centre Delàs, as a member of ...

Why is it necessary?
After the Non-Nuclear proliferation Treaty ratification approved in 1968 and the end of the Cold war, the discussion about the nuclear armament lost influence and was set aside. However, the problem still exists. The existence of a number of some massive destruction arsenals in some countries means, not only the main...

In recent years the European arms industry lobby has been exerting increasing pressure so that millions of euros could go to projects developing pacifist ways to resolve and foresee conflicts, but instead go to research for the production of weapons.
While "defense" is being used as a pretext, the aim is to keep the European arms trade c...

The Delàs Center for Studies for Peace, the Fundació per la Pau. The Movimient per la Pau, the Platform per la Pau de Lloret and Setem, members of the Cluster Munition Coalition, are launching the Stop Explosive Investments campaign in Spain.
The aim of the campaign, which is in talks with the Defense Commission of the Congress of the Sp...

Among the activities of research, dissemination and advocacy carried out by the Delàs Center, the participation or promotion of campaigns of denunciation and demand in the area of militarism, peace and disarmament is a key action to achieve our objectives. Regarding campaigns related to the financing of arms, the Delàs Center is involve...

World military spending reached almost $ 1.7 trillion in 2015, a 1% increase in real terms since 2014, according to new figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). In a context of dismantling the welfare state and continuing cuts in social policies, to allow the continued use of public money in the military ...

Among the research, dissemination and advocacy activities carried out by the Delàs Center, the participation or promotion of campaigns of denunciation and demand in the area of militarism, peace and disarmament is a key action to achieve our objectives. Regarding campaigns related to military expenditure, the Delàs Center is involved in...

Among the activities of research, dissemination and advocacy carried out by the Delàs Center, the participation or promotion of campaigns of denunciation and demand in the area of militarism, peace and disarmament is a key action to achieve our objectives. Regarding related campaigns against the arms trade, the Delàs Center is involved ...

En cuanto a campañas relacionadas con el Desarme, el Centro Delàs está implicado en:
Stop Killer Robots
Stop bombas de racimo
ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons)
Esta campaña lucha para la elaboración de un tratado que prohíba el uso de las armas nucleares a nivel internacional y que sea ratifica...

Regarding the campaigns related with Demilitarization, the Delàs Center is involved in:
Desmilitaritzem l'educació (Demilitarise education)
Ciutats lliures d'indústria militar (Free military industry cities)