Infographics 'Arms exports, conflicts and refugees': East Africa 4/6
For more information see the report "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017.
Infographics: 'Arms exports, conflicts and refugees': Middle East and Central Asia 3/6
For more information see the report: "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017.
Infographics: 'Arms export, conflicts and refugees': Asia 2/6
For more information see the report: European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14, Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017
Infographics 'Arms exports, conflicts and refugees': Europe and Caucasus 1/6
For more information see report "European arms that foster armed conflicts. Conflicts that cause refugees to flee. An analysis of arms exports from the European Union to countries with refugees or internally displaced persons 2003-14" Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2017
Infographics created within the framework of GDAMS 2017 (Global Days Against Military Spending), an initiative of the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS), currently coordinated by the Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace.
Infographics BBVA: Funding arms compagnies 2011-2016
Infographics BBVA: Funding arms companies 2011-2016
For more information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, is an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016", published by Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace.
With the support of:
Infographic Caixabank: Funding arms companies, 2011-2016
Infographic Caixabank: Funding arms compagnies 2011-2016
For further information, see the report "Banks investments in weapons, an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016" published by Centre Delàs Study Centre for Peace, 2016.