Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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cover MilitMeditENG

The Mediterranean is a highly militarised region in a state of conflict, it is one that possesses complex security situations, in which Europe has opted to increase its military control and surveillance capabilities, furthering a narrative of securitisation, in which the responsibility for the control of forced migrations has been transferred to the main countries of the Southern Mediterranean (Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt and Israel) that both arm and militarize their borders, bolstered and spurred on by the main arms-exporting powers in the Mediterranean region: France, Spain, Israel and Italy, and which Turkey has joined during this last decade.

Based on the analysis of different indicators on security and defense (military spending, military personnel, arms trade and the renewal of military arsenals) in the last decade, this Working Paper, prepared by the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, in collaboration with Novact and Suds - in the framework of the work done by the ODHE (Observatory of Human Rights and Companies in the Mediterranean) - shows the role of European countries in the arms trade and the militarization of the Mediterranean South (the South and East basin of the Mediterranean region).

Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges and Gemma Amorós

Read and download the full Working Paper in English, in Spanish and in Catalan.

Tica Font - Article publicado en Público - 19/09/2019

La noche del 14 de septiembre hemos visto imágenes de una refinería de petróleo ardiendo en Arabia Saudita. El incendio se produjo mediante el lanzamiento de proyectiles desde un grupo de drones, que son aviones no tripulados. Este tipo de ataques contra personas concretas a las que se quería matar o ataques a infraestructuras determinadas han sido usados de manera frecuente por parte de Estados Unidos en su lucha contra el terrorismo en Afganistán, Paquistán, Iraq, Iemen o Somalia, o en ciertas ocasiones han sido usados por parte de Israel sobre los territorios palestinos. Hasta ahora el uso de esta tecnología para lanzar proyectiles era exclusivo de los países tecnológicamente avanzados.

AngelsAndreuGraduated in Business Administration and Management, she has worked as an administration and project manager in several organisations.

El ex-teniente Lluis Gonzalo Segura, expulsado del ejército por haber denunciado casos de corrupción, participa en una tertúlia sobre cual tiene que ser el papel del ejército junto con julio Rodríguez, secretario general de Podemos y exjefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa durante el gobierno de Zapatero; Marc Gafarot, experto en Relaciones Internacionales y coautor del libro  "Política de Defensa i Estat propi", y Ainoha Ruiz, invertigadora del Centro Delàs sobre desarme, comercio de armas y cultura de paz

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The objective of this interactive map is to visualize the companies that manufacture weapons, materials or components of weapons, and services that are supplied to the Spanish Ministry of  Defense or destined for export. In this map only the most relevant companies that we find in Spain are shown.

The Spanish Ministry of Defense has about 500 companies supplying goods and services. This map shows the most important companies of military production, considering weapons, goods and services that perform a military function; while all that provide domestic services (catering, cleaning, energy, etc.) have been discarded. Discrimination has been applied according to military billing, showing only those companies that show sales of more than one million euros per year, which are marked in red. The rest of companies are shown in yellow and are of less relevance.


The map shows, in a given period (one or several years), the companies with production in the defense industry (yellow) and the companies with a defense production considered relevant (red). The data visualization incorporates the name of the company, a brief description of the type of production in the field of defense, and its location. At the same time, it is also possible to visualize by Autonomous Community, showing which companies are present in each territory. The sales and employment figures -total and in defense - of the company in the selected period are presented. The data can be viewed in a table, graphic and map format, and are downloadable in each of these formats.


To use the map, you can indicate the name of the military company in the search engine or select the Autonomous Community, and consult the data of the predetermined period between 2003 and 2015, or you can select the specific period or year that you want to consult. The map also lets you navigate without selecting a specific company or Autonomous Community, which allows you to see all of the companies located on the map.

Steps to follow for a correct visualization:

1st: Select the company in the search engine, enter its name or move the cursor directly on the map. You can also start by selecting an Autonomous Community in the search engine on the right.

2nd: Take into account the different types of companies (yellow or red marker).

3rd: Choose a year or a complete period with the cursor below the map.

4th: The results will appear with different graphics or numerical representation:

Maps showing the main military companies and their sales and employment figures, located by location.

Graphs integrating the variables studied: the results of both total and defense sales, and the total employment and defense data of the companies with relevant production.

Data (values) of sale (euros) and employment (persons) of the companies for selected period, downloadable in CSV and HTML format.

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Currently we do not have any calls for job offers.

Edgard Vega


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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org