In the Database of military business cycle of the Delàs Center you can see data of military business cycle: military spending, exports of weapons, military R & D, purchasing weapons, military industry and funding of arms Spanish State and major world powers.. You can check the database via the dropdown of the main menu or from the links provided here.
This section centers on the statistic data complicity about the Spanish military budget. In this way, the objective is to present the more relevant characteristics on the matter. First, we pay special attention to the evolution of the military spending by presenting the budgets and national spending as exterior expenses; following, we expose the figures of the Military investigation and development in Spain. Lastly, we provide the data on arms purchase, in particularly in military investments and destined resources to the special programs of armament (PEAs) and their characteristics. To have an empirical perspective, we extract the information from the States General Budget, and show a minimum period of eight years.
- Military spendings
- Military spending 2000-2015
- Military spending 1983-1999
- Military spending 1964-1982
- Military spending 1945-1961
- Military budget
- Military expenditure
- Total Spending Abroad
- Military R&D
- Arms purchases
- Military Investments / Public Investments
- Special Arms Programs 2014
This section has the objective get to know the characteristics that make up the military industry in Spain. In this way, we present the static data on the military industry in Spain and Catalonia and lastly another directory with the records of the principal Private Military Security Companies.
- Financing
- Shareholders arms companies
- Loans arms companies
- Investment funds
- Share/bond issuance
- Exports financing
- Military industry in Spain
- Military industry in Catalonia
- Private military companies
This section is centered on the arms trade. We present figures of Spain’s defense equipment exports by the country and type of products. These figures are according to the records provided by the State Secretary of Commerce as well as the statistics provided by the Bureau of Foreign trade relating to the exports made under the code TARIC 93.
In this section, we present the records on the military spending of the member nations of NATO and the EU. We draw a comparison between the percentage of Soldiers/ Population and what military spending represents in the % of GDP. Next, we also show the information regarding the EU arms exports, organized by the value of licensed and exported good and the number of licenses approved and refused.
This database is made with the support of Barcelona Solidària - Ajuntament de Barcelona and the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (ACCD)
The content of this database is of exclusive responsability of Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau and it does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Ajuntament de Barcelona nor the ACCD.