El ex-teniente Lluis Gonzalo Segura, expulsado del ejército por haber denunciado casos de corrupción, participa en una tertúlia sobre cual tiene que ser el papel del ejército junto con julio Rodríguez, secretario general de Podemos y exjefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa durante el gobierno de Zapatero; Marc Gafarot, experto en Relaciones Internacionales y coautor del libro "Política de Defensa i Estat propi", y Ainoha Ruiz, invertigadora del Centro Delàs sobre desarme, comercio de armas y cultura de paz
Working Papers
Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: "War in Yemen: Saudi responsibility, European complicity"
Policy Paper from ECP, IDHC and Centre Delàs: "War in Yemen: Saudi responsibility, European complicity"
Since 2015, the level of violence in Yemen has grown significantly. In March of this year, Saudi Arabia decided to head a military coalition to reinstate the go...
Infographics GDAMS 2020: "Healthcare not warfare"
Infographics GDAMS 2020: "Healthcare not warfare"
For further information about the Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS) go to www.demilitarize.org.
Centre Delàs joins IPB's call on UN's General Assembly leaders to dramatically reduce military spending in favour of health care and social needs
Centre Delàs joins IPB's call on UN's General Assembly leaders to dramatically reduce military spending in favour of health care and social needs
The international Peace Bureau, of which the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau is an active member and has its decentralized office in Barcelona, is calling f...
Comunicado del Centro Delàs con motivo del estado de alarma decretado en España y la crisis del COVID-19
Comunicado del Centro Delàs con motivo del estado de alarma decretado en España y la crisis del COVID-19
Ante la actual situación de emergencia causada por la pandemia del coronavirus damos todo nuestro apoyo a todas/os las/os profesionales que están luchando con...
"20 years working for peace and disarmament", the Delàs Center shares a report of its work and milestones in its years of history
"20 years working for peace and disarmament", the Delàs Center shares a report of its work and milestones in its years of history
We want to share with you this special report on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau, in which we have compiled the ...
The Delàs Centre participates in the annual meeting of the European Network against the Arms Trade (ENAAT)
The Delàs Centre participates in the annual meeting of the European Network against the Arms Trade (ENAAT)
The Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau took part in the annual meeting of ENAAT (the European network against the arms trade) that took place in Amsterda...
European Day of Action: "Stop arming the Saudi led war coalition. War in Yemen - Made in Europe"
European Day of Action: "Stop arming the Saudi led war coalition. War in Yemen - Made in Europe"
The European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), of which the Center Delàs is an active member, is launching a European campaign to "Stop arming the Saudi led w...