Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Interactive map « European weapons and refugees »

The purpose of this interactive map is to highlight the link between European arms export and flows of refugees and internally displaced persons, in order to determine whether there is any direct or indirect responsibility of EU Member States for situations of insecurity and violence that drive millions of people to flee their homes every year.

A second objective of this tool is to stress their (ir)responsibility in European arms export authorization or realization as well as their inadequate compliance of the existing legislation, established by the Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of December 8, 2008, which sets up 22 weapons categories including ammunition, light weapons, aircraft and warships, military transport vehicles and all types of military technology for military purposes. On the basis of the criteria set out in the Common Position, the relationship between the European legislation on arms export and situations of insecurity leading to movements of refugees and displaced persons can be established.


Over a given period of time (one or several years, depending on the selection made), the map shows the volume of arms export authorized – i.e. licensed – and realized – i.e. carried out – by the countries of the European Union between 2003 and 2017. It indicates the arms categories concerned and the volume exported in countries with relevant figures of refugees and internally displaced persons during the study period, according to the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) database and UNHCR's annual "Global Trends" reports analysing forced displacement around the world.

The map also indicates whether the selected country receiving European armaments is in a situation of armed conflict and / or tension during the period under review according to the definition given by the Escola Cultura de Pau in its “Alert!” annual reports on conflicts, human rights and peace-building. The relevance of this last variable relates to the fact that according to criterion 3 of the Common Position PESC/944/2008, it is prohibited to deliver export licences for defence, military equipment to countries in situation of tension and/or armed conflict.

Data can be displayed as table, graphic and map, and be downloaded in different formats.


First, you must use the “country search bar” (dedicated to recipient countries) or click on the map to select a country; then you must select the type of arms export and the period or the year you want to study.

Steps to follow for a correct visualization:

1st: Select the recipient country of European armament by typing in the search bar or by moving the mouse and selecting it directly on the map.

2nd: Activate the « Authorized arms export » button and / or the « Realized arms export » button, resulting in the display of a list of EU exporting countries, ranking in order of arms volume.

3rd: Choose a year or an entire period with the cursor under the map.

4th: The results will appear with different graphical and numerical representations:

- Map highlighting, during the chosen period, EU arms exporting countries and countries receiving these arms, including the selected country, which will be garnet in color.

- Graphic integrating the three studied variables: Values of authorized and realized weapons export; Number of refugees and internally displaced persons; Situation of tension and / or armed conflict during the selected period or year.

- Table with the value in Euros of the total European arms export authorized and realized, the number of refugees and internally displaced persons, per year in the selected country, downloadable in CSV and HTML format.

- Table Ranking of EU countries exporting the most arms to the country selected, indicating the value of weapons export authorized and realized, per year and per exporting country, downloadable in CSV and HTML format.

This resource has been developed with the support of Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona and Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès.







Corporaciones Financieras y empresas participadas por la banca






Aernnova (antiga GAMESA Aeronáutica) 1



Caja Castilla la Mancha 80%



Estructuras metálicas: fuselajes, alas avión A400M (10% producció militar)



Amper, S.A.17



Caja Castilla la Mancha 9,89%, Liquidambar 5% (CAM, Caja Duero, Unicaja, Sa Nostra, Caja S.Fernando, Caja Burgos), EBN Banco de Negocios 5%



Electrónica de defensa, participa en grandes projyectos militares

20/30% producción militar






BBVA 14,3%
BSCH 13,95%, Banesto 6,4%, B. Sabadell 3,4%
BPE 1,8%, B.Pastor 1%
Deustche Bank 1%
Barclays Bank 1%



Empresa de servicios y seguros, implicada en la exportación de armas al exterior



Construcciones Auxiliar Ferrocarriles (CAF)



Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa4 10,8% Caja A. Guipuzcoa y San Sebastián4 11%, Caja Ah. Vitoria y Alava4 3%. Bestinver 9,96%5, BNP Paribas5 47%



Modernización carros de combate y blindados



Emte Sistemas20



Banco Sabadell 20% Caja Madrid 20%



Comunicaciones aeronàuticas 15% producción militar



Explosivos Alaveses, S.A. – Expal (Maxam Grup antes Unión Española de Explosivos, S.A.)6



Ibersuizas13 27%

Vista Capital7 23%



Toda clase de explosivos, bombas racimo, clusters, fragmentación, carcasas, detonadores, espoletas



Gas Gas Motos19



Vector Capital (Caixa Penedès) 45%



Motocicletas para las fuerzas armadas






La Caixa a través de Abertis 33,4%15



Información militar vía satélite






BBVA (1,56%) a través de Indra 7%



Industria de comunicación por satélite con aplicaciones militares (Ariane)



Iberia Mantenimiento5



Caja Madrid 22,99% Ibercaja 0,34% Unicaja 0,11%16



Revisión y reparación de aviones militares Harrier, Falcon, Hércules y Orion. Apoyo logístico al ejército del aire en aeropuertos



Ibérica del Espacio, S.A.9



Iberdrola10 5,65%



Ingeniería aeroespacial militar




Caja Madrid5 15%
Barcklays Bank5 5,14% Caja Ah. Asturias5 5%
Fidelity Intern1tional5 1,99% Chase Nominees5 5,02% State Street Bank11 6,5%, Chase Manhatan11 5%, BBVA2 1,56%, JP Morgan2 5%, Cantabria2 1,2%, BSCH2 0,92%, Citigroup2 1,96%, Deusteche Bank2 1,6%, AXA2 1,27%, Comerzbank2 1,53%



Simuladores de vuelo, sistemas de tiro, defensa electrónica, Eurofigther, fragatas F-100, helicópteros Tigre, blindados, misiles 40/60% producción militar



RYMSA (Radiación y Microondas, S.A.)6



IBV10 100%



Comunicaciones espacio y defensa, 21% producción militar



SACESA (forma parte del consorcio Alestis Aerospace) 14



Cajasol 20,38%% UniCaja 10,19%



Componentes aeronáuticos, ensamblajes y paneles



Sener Aeronáutica2



Lehman Brothers 18% Socade 10%



Guerra electrónica, misiles, helicópteros Tigre, avión A400 24% producción militar



Tecnobit – Comites Comunicaciones, S.A.12



Oesia 100% (Caja Castilla La Mancha 48%, Caja Sol 17,4%, Caja Granada 10,9, Caja Burgos 6,3%)



Tecnologías y adiestramientos militares. 85% producción militar








Elaboración Centre Delàs, 15/4/2009



Fuentes: 1 Cinco Días 24/4/06. 2 Registro Mercantil SABI 06/07. 3 Registre Mercantil SABI 09/05. 4 Balance empresa 2006. 5 ElPaís 9/11/08. 6 Expansión 9/10/07. 7 Vista Capital está controlada por el BSCH (Santander, Central, Hispano) controla el 50% y Royal Bank Scotland el otro 50%. 9 Registro Mercantil 08/06 einforma. 10 Iberdrola Bilbao Vizcaya (IBV) está formada por BBVA y Iberdrola a 50%. Un 6,01% de Iberdrola es del propio BBVA. 11 Registro Mercantil 03/07 einforma. 12 Cinco Días,19/9/08. 13 Ibersuizas está participada por Unión de Bancos Suizos 19,5% y B. Pastor 15% El País 2/7/02. 14 El Pais 19/4/09. 15 CNMV y La Vanguardia 29/3/08, La Caixa 29% de Abertis que tiene el 33,4% de Hispasat y a su vez el 32% de Eutelsat y esta el 27,69% de Hispasat. 16 El País 4/12/07. 17 Balance CNMV 18/12/08. 19 El País 7/5/08. 20 CincoDías 30/7/08.


Nota: Todas las informaciones de la Tabla provienen en la mayoría de los casos de los balances oficiales de los registros mercantiles. Cuando se trata de grandes empresas que cotizan en bolsa, como es el caso de Indra o de otras que están sometidas a continuos movimientos especulativos debido a la importancia que tienen en sectores estratégicos ligados a las nuevas tecnologías, empresas que operan en la electrónica o en el sector aeroespacial (Amperio, Indra...), nos encontramos que hay continúas transacciones en la propiedad de acciones, que desfasan rápidamente la información y pueden alterar la participación señalada.


Descarrega el document en català Mapa Accionariat Industria Militar

Descarga el documento en castellano Mapa Accionariado Industria Militar

Descarrega el document en català Mapa Conexió Industria i Entitats Financeres

Descarga el documento en castellano Mapa Conexiones Industria y Entidades Financieras

Descarga el documento en castellano Directorio Industrias España

Descarrega el document Accionariat Indutria Militar





The information that we  provide in this directory in regard to economic results, number of employees and turnover has been obtained from official balance sheets available in the Commercial Register (Registre Mercantil) and the SABI database. Information regarding the military production has been obtained from press reports, Afarmade (Asociación de Fabricantes de Armamento del Estado Español), BAIE (Barcelona Aeronàutica i de l’Espai), and employers' associations that provide annual reports of affiliated companies that work in the military and aerospace sectors.

A Plus Systems
Address: Ramón Turró, 245 baixos, 08005 Barcelona, www.aplus-sa.es
Production areas: Informatic technology
Turnover in defence: 25% year 2006
Sales in 2004: 12.5 million euros

Accenture, S.A.
Address:  Torre Picasso s/n. 28020, Madrid. www.accenture.com
Office in  Barcelona: Diagonal, 549
Stockholder: Corporation  Accenture SARL Luxemburg
Production areas: Consultancy and informatic technology
Clients in defence:  Navantia, Grupo Telefónica, Amper
Turnover in defence: 0.03% (year 2003)
Results year 2004: 7,209 employees, turnover: 679.8 million euros, profits: 41.7 million euros

Aerlyper, S.A.
Address:  Aeropuerto de Madrid, Cuatro Vientos, 28044 Madrid.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.aerlyper.es  
Office in Barcelona: ctra. de Bellaterra, s/n
Stockholders: Arte Expres, S.A., Cia. Española de Técnica Aeronàutica, S.A.
Production areas: Installation of navigation equipment, security and defence in airplanes and helicopters
Clients in defence:  the army, the air forces, the navy and general management of the Guàrdia Civil
Programs in which it takes part: GPS installation in airplanes, SIVE Program of the Guardia Civil
Turnover in defence: 80 % (year 2004)
Results year 2004: 49 employees, turnover: 5,3 million euros, profits: 29 milers d’euros

Alava Ingenieros, S.A.
Address: C/ Estébanez Calderón, n. 5, 28020 Madrid, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , www.alava-ing.es
Office in Barcelona: c/ Còrsega, 411, 08037 Barcelona
Production areas: gravació digital, àudio, vídeo; sistemes d’infrarojos; sales amb pantalles
Results year 2004: 97 employees, turnover: 21.7 million euros, Profits: 1.53 million euros
Results year 2005: turnover: 30,8 million euros
Employees year 2006: 150 employees

Altamira Information, S.L.
Address:  C/Còrsega, 381, 08037 Barcelona, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.altamira-information.com
Porduction areas:  electronic and radar electronic information systems.
Clients in defence:  Defence sector and  the Europaean Space Agency.
Results year 2004: 6 employees,  turnover: 299,000 euros, profits: 5,000 euros
AMC Aircraft Manegament Compyear
Clients in defence: EADS-CASA
Production areas: projects and maintenance of aeronautical engineering

AMP España, S.A (Tyco Electronics)
Address:  C/ Muntaner, 249 – 5è, 08021 Barcelona
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.tycoelectronics.com  
Factories: Berga, Montcada i Reixac
Stockholders: 100% Tyco
Production areas: connectors electrònics, fibra òptica
Programs in defence: Eurofigther, CN-235, blindats Pizarro, Leopard, S-80 submarine
Clients in defence:  Indra, EADS-CASA, Santa Bárbara, Navantia
Turnover in defence: 0.02%.
Results year 2004: 800 employees, turnover: 246 million euros, profits: 20.83 million euros
Results year 2005: 808 employees, turnover: 243 million euros, profits: 11.85 million euros

Address: Av. Diagonal 211, Torre Agbar, 08018 Barcelona
Stockholders: Carlyle Group 75%, the remaining 25% between Caixa Catalunya, Caixa Sabadell, Caixa Terrassa, Caixa Tarragona, Caixa Manresa and RACC
Production areas: technical support and certifications
Programmes in defence: technical support and certifications of S-80 and Scorpene submarines (Navantia).
Carlyle Group is an investment corporation whose stockholders are: Bin Laden family, George Bush (father), James Baker, Frank Carlucci, John Major i George Soros. They own three military industries, among many other companies, in the USA (Landmark, Indigo i Unit Defense)

Aritex Cading, S.A.
Address: C/ Progrés, 319, 08918 Badalona, www.aritex-es.com
Stockholders: Emte Sistemas 20% (in 2009 it will be majoritystockholder)
Manager: David López
Clients in defence:   A400M plane from EADS-CASA, Santa Bárbara
Production areas:  aeronautical engineering, bodyworks, depots and weldings.
Programmes in defence: grades timó i panellatges avió A-400M
Turnover in defence: 1%
Results year 2002: 208 employees, turnover: 85.6 million euros, profits: 1.1 million euros
Results year 2006: 110 employees, turnover: 30 million euros, exports: 9 million euros
Results year 2007: 100 employees, turnover: 40 million euros

ASM Dimatec Ingenieria, S.A.
Address: Crta. de Castellvell, 14, 43202 Reus
Production areas: studies and projects, software, lasers and artificial vision, timó de cua Airbus
Main clients: EADS-CASA
Results year 2003: 167 employees, sales: 27.5 million euros, profits: 161,000 d’euros
Results year 2004: 141 employees, turnover: 14.8 million euros, profits: 4 million euros

Astilleros Neumáticos Duarry, S.A.
Address: Passatje Rosers, s/n., Cornellà de Llobregat , contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.duarry.com
Stockholders: Fargas-Duarry Family.
Production areas:  semistiff pneumatic vessel building; lifeboats
Clients in defence: Armada Espyearola, the Army , the Guardia Civil, Dutch Army, Thai Army, Moroccan Army, Tunisian Army and the  Portuguese Navy Turnover in defence: 40% (2004)
Results year 2004: 38 employees, turnover: 4.7 million euros, losses: 1.5 million euros
Turnover in defence 2006: 40%, 30 employees

BAIE (Barcelona Aeronàutica i de l’Espai)
Catalonian Employer’s Association made up from industries that work for the aeronauticalal sector.
Address:  C/ Jordi Girona, 29, 08034 Barcelona, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.bcnaerospace.org
Manager:  Fernando de Caralt

CTAE (Centre Tecnològic per a la Indústria Aeronàutica i de l’Espai)
Parc technologic (technology park) de recerca aeronàutic, de l’espai i de comunicacions, així com per la promoció d’aquests àmbits industrials a Catalunya.
Address:  Avgda. Segle XXI, sn. (Parc de la Marina), 08840 Viladecans, tel. 933776161
It is part of the centre CIDEM (Generalitat de Catalunya), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, AENA, la Caixa and Banc de Sabadell, BAIE association and companies as GTD, Gutmar, INDRA, Mier
Comunicaciones, Sener and Serra Soldaduras.

CIMSA, Ingenieria de Sistemas, S.A.
Address: Pol. Ind. El Ramassar, c/ Vallès, s/n,  08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès (Barcelona)
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.cimsa.com
Stockholders: CIMSA, SUS, S.A., DASA import-export.
President: Fernando de Caralt
Production areas: parachutes. Military strategy, automàtics de tropa, plane brake systems,
stabilization systems for torpedoes, armilles salvavides
Main clients: the Air Forces, the Army, the Navy and the Ministry of Defence of several countries.
It takes part in the following programmes: Eurofighter and Eurotorp
Exports: the USA, América del Sud, Europe, Jordania, Pakistan
Turnover in defence: 70% (2003), 50% (2004)
Results year 2004: 55 employees, turnover: 4.2 million euros, profits: 97,000 euros

Coritel, S.A. (affiliate of Aerlyper)
Address:  C/ Madera, 8, 28004 Madrid,contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.coritel.es
Office in Catalonia: Plaça Xavier Cugat, 2, Sant Cugat del Vallès
Production areas: design and development of information and communication systems.
Principals clients: Ministry of Defence
Results year 2004: 3511 employees, turnover: 186.8 million euros, profits: 18.2 million euros
Results year 2005: 4034 employees, turnover: 206.4 million euros, profits: 18 million euros

DC Custom Armeros, S.L.
Address: C/ Can Roqueta, 2, 08960 Ripollet
Production areas: small arms and ammunitions.
Clients: security individuals and companies
Results year 2004: 3 employees, turnover: 265,000 euros, profits: 42,000 euros

Diseño Industrial Italdesign, S.L.
Address: Pl. Isaac Peral, 13, 08960 Sant Just Desvern
Production area:  design and industrial engineering models and prototypes and aeronautics.
Principals clients: EADS-CASA
Results year 2004: 77 employees, turnover: 7.6 million euros, profits: 687,000 euros

Address:  c/ Juan de la Cierva, 2, 08760 Martorell
Production area: industrial engineering and design, models and prototypes and aeronautics.
Principals clients: EADS-CASA
Results year 2004: 172 employees, turnover: 11.4 million euros, profits: 921,000 euros

EDV Ferroviarias, Aeronàutica i Automoció, S.L.
Address: c/ Mare de deu de les Feixes, 29, 08290 Cerdyearola del Vallès
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.edvsl.com
Principals clients: EADS-CASA, Internacional Composites, CAF, Temoinsa,
Production area: aeronautical and industrial engineering, automació
Results year 2004: 17 employees, turnover: 1.1 million euros, losses: 4.000 euros

El Corte Inglés, S.A.
Delegation in Barcelona: Pl. Catalunya, www.elcorteingles.es
Production area in defence: Roba and informatics material
Clients in defence: Ministry of Defence
Results year 2004: 52,933 employees, turnover: 9,822 million euros, profits: 358 million euros

EMTE Sistemas, S.A.
Address: Avda. Baix de Llobregat, 10, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) www.emtesistemas.com
Office in Madrid: c/ Ramírez Arellano, 15, 28043 Madrid.
Stockholders: Sumarroca family 60%, Caja Madrid 20%, Banc de Sabadell 20%. They have acquired

Aritex Cading (30/7/08)
Production areas: radio installation for air navigation, communitions, optical fiber, cryptography and engineering. Main clients: Ministry of Defence, casernes generals de l’aire, terra, armada
Programes in which it takes part: aeronautical installations; comunicacions terra-terra i terra-aire
Turnover in defence: 15% (2003)
Results year 2004: 207 employees, turnover: 256 million euros, profits: 1.1 million euros
Results year 2005: 198 employees, turnover: 283 million euros, profits: 741,000 euros
Results year 2007: turnover 618.6 million euros

Faro Spain, S.A.
Address: c/ Rosselló, 224, 08008 Barcelona, c/ Alberes, 68, 17000 Blanes, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  www.faro.com
production areas: Laser Tracker, A400M airplane laser, braços de medició portàtil.
Clients in defence: EADS-CASA
Turnover in defence: 7% (2004)
Results year 2004: 300 employees, turnover: 2.07 million euros, profits: 67,700 euros
Results year 2005: 300 employees, turnover: 1.4 million euros, losses: 274,000 euros

Gas Gas Motos, S.A.
Address: C/ Unicef, 17, Pol. Ind. Torre Mirona, 17190 Salt (Girona) contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.gasgasmotos.es
Stockholders: Vector Capital (Caixa Penedès 45%), Ingenia Capital 20%, Josep Ma. Pibernat 32%, Ramón Puente 3% (General Director)
Production areas:off-road motorcycles and motorcycles for the armed forces Clients in defence:  Ministry of Defence and  armies of different countries. Exports all around the world
Turnover in defence: 3.2% (2004)
Results year 2004: 173 employees, turnover: 53.2 million euros, profits: 705,000 euros
Results year 2005: turnover: 55.3 million euros,  
Results year 2006: turnover: 42.6 million euros,
Results year 2007: 115 employees, turnover 34.8 millions, 1.5 millions of profits, accumulated debt of 1.,2 million euros.

GMV Aerospace and Defence, S.A.
Address: c/ Isaac Newton, 11, Tres Cantos, 28760 Madrid
Office in Catalunya: c/Balmes, 268-270, 08006 Barcelona
Stockholders: GMV is a multinational company that operates in Portugal and in the USA
Production areas: space, aeronautics, defence, system engineering, command systems control, flight simulators and telecommunications
Clients in defence: Ministries of Defence of Spain and Portugal, EADS-CASA, BAE Systems, Dassault, Aviation, Eurocopter, INTA, Lockheed Martin
Programmes in which it takes part: EF 2000, C-130 Hercules, CN-235, C-105 per a EADS
Turnover in defence: 17% (2004), 18% (2006)
Results year 2004: 321 employees, turnover: 25.4 million euros, profits: 1.3 million euros
Results year 2006: 777 employees, turnover: 64.3 million euros

GTD, Ingeniería de Sistemas y de Software, S.A.
Address: c/ García Faria, 17, 08005 Barcelona. contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.gtd.es
Production areas: space, aeronautics, industry, systems engineering, command and control systems, flight simulators and demining.
Clients in defence:  Ministry of Defence, EADS-CASA, General-Dynamics/Santa Bárbara, Navantia, Lockheed Martin, Matra, Dassault, Eurocopter, ITP
Programmes in which it takes part: EF 2000 per a EADS CASA, projecte 155/52 en artilleria per a Santa Bárbara, F-100 Navantia frigates
Turnover in defence: 17% (2002), 20% (2004), 20% (2006)
Results year 2004: 191 employees, turnover: 29.3 million euros, profits: 764,000 euros
Results year 2006: 300 employees, exports: 60%

Address:  C/ Metal•lúrgia, 53, 08908 l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.
Production areas: precision mecanics, capsules for prjectiles and undercarriages
Clients in defence:  EADS-CASA, Aerospatiale, Eurocopter
Turnover in defence: 17%, aeronautics 42% (2003)
Results year 2004: 45 employees, turnover: 27.4 million euros, profits: 134,000 euros

Address: Av. Bruselas, 3, 28108 Madrid, web: www.indra.es
Office in Catalonia: Diagonal, 188-218, Barcelona
Production areas: Information technologies, electronics, space, aeronautics, system engineering, flight, shooting systems.
Stockholders: Caja Madrid 14,98%, Caja Astur 5%, BBVA 1,56%, Chase Nominees 10,08%, Barclays Bank 5,15%
Clients in defence: Ministry of Defence, Eurocopter, EADS-CASA, Santa Bárbara, Navantia
Turnover in defence: between 50 and 80% depending on the year
Results year 2005: 6,610 employees, turnover: 1,202.2 million euros, profits: 104.1 million euros
Results in Barcelona year 2006: 2.000 employees, turnover: 172 million euros  

Industrias El Gamo, S.A.
Address: Crta. Santa Creu de Calafell, km 10, 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat. Web. www.gamo.com
Production area: small arms and ammunitions Clients: individuals and security companies  
Stockholders: Inelga Business, multinational with presence in United States, Germany and Great Britain
Results year 2004: 86 employees, turnover: 26.3 million euros, profits: 1.6 million euros

Industries Puigjaner, S.A. –DENN
Address:  Polígon industrial Can Humet, Pinto VilaCinca, s/n, 08213 Polinyà
Production areas: preision mecanis, warheads of projectiles, Eurofighter gas tanks. Main clients:  EADS-CASA
Results year 2004: 54 employees, turnover: 8,9 million euros, profits 701.000 euros
ITC Systems España, S.A.  (filial de T-Systems)
Address: C/ Orduña, 2, 28034 Madrid
Office in Catalonia: c/ Sancho de Avila, 110, 08018 Barcelona www.t-systems.es
They plan to install a factory in the Tecnoparc de Reus (technology park of Reus)
Production areas: communication and information technologies, defence technology. Company affiliated to the german company Deutsche Telecom

Iveco España
Address: Avgda. de Aragón, 402, 28022 Madrid. contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Factory in Barcelona: c/ A, núm. 1 de Zona Franca tel. 93 3357051 www.iveco.es
Stockholders: Iveco (multinational)
Clients in defence: Ministries of Defence of Spain Switzerland, Germany and Denmark
Programmes in which it takes part: en military vehicles Obús 155 mm, blindats Centauro
Exports: France Italy, Regne Unit, Portugal, Indonesia and Costa Rica
Results year 2004: 2,673 employees, turnover: 1,651 million euros, profits: 45.4 million euros
Turnover in defence: 5.8%,military exports: 37.1 million euros

Mier Comunicaciones, S.A.
Address:  Polígon Industrial Congost, 08530 La Garriga (Barcelona) www.mier.es
Production areas: Satellite communication systems, broadcasting and television, microwave communications.
Main clients: EADS-CASA, European Space Agency, Hispasat
Results year 2004: 85 employees, turnover: 9.7 million euros, profits: 87,000 euros
Results year 2005: 84 employees, turnover: 10.9 million euros, profits: 208,000 euros

Nissan Motor Ibérica, S.A. (NMISA)
Address: C/ General Moscardó, 1, 28020 Madrid www.nissan.es
Factories in Catalonia: Zona Franca, sector b, carrer 3, 08040 Barcelona i a Montcada i Reixac
Stockholders: Nissan
Activities in defence: off road vehicles for the armed forces.
Results year 2005: 6.825 employees, turnover: 3,059 million euros, profits: 63 million euros

Peli Products, S.A.
Address: C/Casp, 33, 08010 Barcelona www.peli.com  
Clients in defence: Spanish Ministry of Defence, military industries from the USA Stockholders: Pelican
Production area: Sealed suitcases for arms
Results year 2004: 470 employees, turnover: 11,85 million euros, profits: 288.000 euros
Turnover in defence: 15% (2004)

Pinturas Hempel, S.A.
Address: Carretera de Sentmenat, 108, 08213, Polinyà (Barcelona) contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stockholders: Hempel S.A. Suïssa 100%
Production areas: paint, varnishes and special coatings.
Clients in defence: Spanish Navy,  Navantia
Turnover in defence: 5.52% (2004)
Results year 2004: 192 employees, turnover: 44 million euros, profits: 5 million euros
Results year 2005: 189 employees, turnover: 45.9 million euros, profits: 5 million euros

Rohde & Schwarz España, S.A.
Address:  c/ Salcedo, 11, 28034 Madrid contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.rohde-schwarz.com
Office in Catalonia: av. Alcalde Barnils, 64, 08190 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Stockholders: RUSA Rohde & Schwarz Anlagen GmbH
Production areas: systems integration radio and communications and mobile units
Clients in defence: Spanish navy, army, air forces, Navantia, Indra, Home Office Programmes in which it takes part: F-100 frigate, Caçamines, fly-away stations for the air forces de  control systems for the Navy                                   Turnover in defence: 10% (2003), 20% (2004)
Results year 2002: 80 employees, turnover: 2.92 million euros, profits: 1.1 million euros

Roig Llorens, S.A.
Address: Pge. Strauss, 1 Polígon Industrial Can Jardí, 08191 Rubí www.roig-llorens.com
Clients in defence:  Ministry of defence
Production areas: energetic and dietetic products  de campyeara
Results year 2004: 9 employees, turnover: 598,000 euros, profits: 66,000 euros

Rucker Ibérica, S.L.
Address: Av. Compte de Llobregat, 113, Martorell contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.ruecker.de
Production areas:  aeronautics and electronics industrial design and modelling  
Clients in defence: EADS-CASA
Results year 2002:182 employees, turnover: 138,000 euros, profits: 66,000 euros

Rucker Lypsa, S.L. (affiliate of Rucker Ibérica)
Address:  Crta. del Prat, 65, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat
Production areas:  technical service of aeronautics and transport engineering
Sener Grupo de Ingenieria
Address: C/ Severo Ochoa, 4 , 28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid)
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.sener.es  
Office in Catalonia: Diagonal 549, Barcelona  
Production areas: ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance), action and precision control, systems, systems integration,  space and dual technologies. Disseny d’una tovera
vectorial multiaxial per a motors d’avió i míssils
Clients in defence: Sener has been working in the fields of services of engineering and systems integration for the Ministry of Defence and the big defence industries all around the world forty years
Stockholders: participa accionarialment a ITP (53,2%), Hisdesat (5%).
Exports: 40 % of the turnover ( Europe, USA, Russia, South America, Japan, Korea, China, India...)
Turnover in defence 2004: 24% (proportional turnover  of the participating countries included)
Results year 2004: 3,262 employees, turnover: 526.8 million euros, profits 43.7 million euros

Serra Soldaduras, S.A.
Address: Polígon Industrial Zona Franca, Sector C, carrer D, nº 29, 08040 Barcelona
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.serrasold.com
Production areas: special welding, laser, carbon fiber and A400M airplanes stuctures (wing, fuselage and tail fins)
Client in defence: EADS-CASA, Boeing and Bombardier
In 2000 Serra creates the division Serra Aeronàutica
Aernnova acquires the company Serra Soldaduras (31/5/2008)
Results year 2004: 574 employees, turnover: 78.48 million euros, profits: 7,795 euros
2007: 450 employees.

Simave, S.A.
Address: c/ San Máximo, 31, 3ª, Madrid contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.simave.es   
Office in Catalonia: c/ Aribau 282, Barcelona
Production areas: telecommunications, electronic war, informatics, electronics, security systems, audiovisual  radio and artificial vision systems                 Clients in defence: Ministry of Defence, EADS-CASA, Indra, Isdefe
Turnover in defence: 35% (2003)
Results year 2005: 120 employees, turnover: 12.2 million euros, profits: 507,000 euros

Software AG España, S.A.
Address:  Ronda de la Luna, 4, Madrid contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.softwareag.com  
Office in Catalonia: Diagonal, 640, Barcelona (factory)
Production areas: o¬n-Line Transaction Procesing (OLTP); Application integration
Clients in defence: Ministry of Defence,  INVIFAS
Turnover in defence: 6.5%.(2003), 9.5% (2004/2006)
Results year 2006: 2,621 employees, turnover: 486 million euros , profits: 73.2 million euros

Solid Enginyeria, S.L.
Address: c/ Santamnder, 101, 08030 Barcelona contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Production areas: structures for wings of  the Eurofigther, C-295 airplane doors
Clients in defence:  EADS-CASA
Results year 2004: 13 employees, turnover: 760,000 euros, profits: 12,000 euros
Results year 2005: 16 employees,  turnover: 894,000 euros, profits: 27,000 euros

Talleres Mecánicos Maype, S.L.
Address: c/ Santander, 106, 08030 Barcelona
contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.maype.net
Production areas: precision machinig for aeronautics and defence
Results year 2005: 30 employees, turnover: 25 million euros, profits: 23,000 euros

TEAM Ingenieria del Transporte, S.L.
Address: c/ Buenos Aires, 1, Barcelona www.teamcompyear.com
Factory: Montse Gil, Monzón (Huesca)
Stockholders: Hexagonal de Inversiones 100% (Spanish capital)
Clients in defence: Ministry of Defence                                                   Production areas: airplanes transport for airplanes and gòndoles portacarros per al sector de defensa
Exports: France, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico
Turnover in defence: 15% (2004/2006) 5% year 2007
Results year 2004: 73 employees, turnover: 7.3 million euros, losses: 549,000 euros
Results year 2007: 15 employees, sales 2.3 million euros, profits 168,000 euros.

Avgda. Sant Julia, 100, 08403 Granollers, www.temoinsa.com
Stockholders:  Segarra family 90%
Production areas: machinig for trains and componets for aeronautics        Clients in defence: EADS-CASA
Results year 2007: sales 75 million euros.

Zodiac Española, S.A.
Address: c/ Aribau, 284, 08006 Barcelona www.zodiac.fr/sp
Office in Catalonia: S. Llogaia d’Alguema (Figueres) and Roses (Girona) factories
Production areas: pneumatic crafts, semi-stiffs, life rafts
Main clients: Astilleros Navantia i Gondán, Spanish army, USA, Italy, France, Canada
Programmes in which it takes part: F-100 frigates andH.733 IO vessels
Turnover in defence: 3% (2004)
Results year 2004: 627 employees, turnover: 50.1 million euros, profits: 1.1 million euros


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Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
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Email: info@centredelas.org