Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Genere i militarisme


 Maria de Lluc-rodona

Maria de Lluc Bagur

Nora Miralles-rodona

Nora Miralles

Pau i noviolencia

  • Culture of peace, pacifist movements, antimilitarism and nonviolent alternative solutions to conflict.
  • Research on peaceful options for the social transformation of civil society.
  • Education for peace and nonviolence.


José Luis Gordillo

Camino Simarro-rodona

Camino Simarro

Pere Ortega-rodona

Pere Ortega

Ainhoa Ruiz-rodona

Ainhoa Ruiz 

Jordi Calvo-rodona

Jordi Calvo

Alejando Pozo-rodona

Alejandro Pozo

Eduardo Salvador-rodona1

Eduardo Salvador



Noves armes




Jordi Calvo-rodonaJordi Calvo   



  • Monitoring and critical analysis of the main, current armed conflicts, with a special attention dedicated to the causes of terrorism, the role of various actors within the War on Terror and the degree to which Western powers are held responsible in the conflict.


Alejandro Pozo-rodona1Alejandro Pozo Blanca Camps-rodonaBlanca Camps-Febrer José Luis Gordillo
Pere Brunet-rodonaPere Brunet Pere Ortega-rodonaPere Ortega Nora Miralles-rodonaNora Miralles


Operacions militars exterior

  • Monitoring of the military operations of the Spanish military, and monitoring of the European Union, NATO and United Nations, analyzing the potential political and economic causes that define them, in an attempt to provide a critical discourse of humanitarian militarism.


 Xavier Bohigas-rodona

Xavier Bohigas

Eduardo Melero-rodona

Eduardo Melero


Seguretat i defensa

  • Monitoring and analysis of security and defense doctrines, threats to security, NATO, European Union and other global military bodies and institutions. Includes the proposal to safeguard the paradigm of protecting human security before that of military security.


Alejando Pozo-rodona  Alejandro Pozo       

Jose Luis Gordillo-rodona

José Luis Gordillo

Eduardo Melero-rodona

       Eduardo Melero    

Tomas Gisbert-rodona

     Tomàs Gisbert

Teresa de Fortuny-rodona

     Teresa de Fortuny     

Xavier Bohigas-rodona       Xavier Bohigas

Jordi Calvo-rodona

Jordi Calvo

Pere Ortega-rodona

Pere Ortega

Abel Riu-rodona1Abel Riu

Forces armades

  • Monitoring the reality of the Spanish army, in terms of troops, recruitment, military justice system, gender violence and other aspects of military life.



 Gemma Amoros-rodona

Gemma Amorós

Maria de Lluc-rodona

Maria de Lluc Bagur

Tomas Gisbert-rodona

Tomàs Gisbert


Financament armes

  • Permanent analysis of the arms investments by major banks in Catalunya and Spain. This involves the reporting of financial entities that actively invest and credit controversial enterprises associated with the arms industry, with special attention to those that produce nuclear weapons, cluster bombs and anti-personnel mines.



Jordi Calvo-rodona 

Jordi Calvo


Chloé Meulewaeter


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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org