Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Report 18: Spanish arms exports 2003-2012

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Informe18 casSpanish arms exports 2003-2012. Analysis of institutional support for arms exports

Every day Spain exports more than €5 million in arms, and many of these arms continue to be exported to countries in  armed conflict or countries where there are grave human rights violations.

Authors: Tica FontEduardo Melero and Camino Simarro.

You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

Report 17: La industria militar en Cataluña, un deseo insatisfecho

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PortadaInforme17 catalaLa industria militar en Cataluña, un deseo insatisfecho

La industria militar en Cataluña es más un deseo y una ambición de algunas empresas y de algunos políticos de hacer cuajar en Cataluña este tejido industrial, que una realidad. Porque fuera de algunas empresas que suministran algunos componentes, lo cierto es que no ha arraigado ningún fabricante de producción de armas importante en Cataluña.

Autor: Pere Ortega.

You can download the report here in Spanish and Catalan. Soon in English.

Report: Guns, debt and corruption

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guns debt and corruption

Guns, debt and corruption

The Centre Delàs has published the report "Guns, Debt and Corruption. Miltary spending and the EU crisis" in Spanish.

Its author is the researcher Frank Slipjer of the campaign against arms trade (Campgne tegen wapenhadel) in the Netherlands, entity of the European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT), which the Delàs Center is also part of.

This report has been published by Campagne tegen Wapenhadel and the Transnational Institute (TNI).

Author: Frank Slipjer.

You can download the report here in English or Spanish. Soon in Catalan.

El gasto militar contribuye enormemente a la deuda pública. Liquidación del presupuesto de 2012

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El gasto militar contribuye enormemente a la deuda pública. Liquidación del presupuesto de 2012

Analysis of the difference between initial and final budgets of the defense, in which proves how the military spending affects the generation of debt and Spanish public accounts deficit. 

Author: John Doe.

You can download the report here in Spanish. Soon in English and Catalan.

Report 16: Las otras violencias en América Latina

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Portada informe16

Las otras violencias en América Latina

En este nuevo informe se abordan las otras violencias, aquellas que habitualmente no forman parte de los estudios sobre conflictos armados. Es decir, las violencias, también armadas, que se derivan de luchas sociales y que los centros de estudios sobre conflictología no evalúan.

Authors: Pere Ortega and Moara Crivelente.

You can download the report here in Spanish. Soon in English and Catalan.

Report 15: Spanish Arms exports 2002-2011

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Portada informe 15 casSpanish Arms exports 2002-2011

En 2011, España se ha situado en la octava posición en el ranking mundial de países exportadores de armamento, alcanzando el 3% del total mundial de exportaciones y el 1,15% de la balanza comercial española. Cada día España exporta más de 6 millones de euros en armas, muchas de ellas a países en conflicto armado o donde se violan los derechos humanos.

Authors: Tica Font, Eduardo Melero and Camino Simarro.

You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

Análisis del comercio exterior español de material de defensa y de doble uso. Primer semestre de 2012

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The Center of Studies for Peace JM Delàs presents the analysis on the Spanish Arms trade in the first semester of 2012

In which reveals that 16 of every 100€ of Spanish arms exports come form 31 countries in a situation of tension or conflict. Over a total 998 authorized license, only 9 were denied the 0.9%. The control polices of the exports of defense material, other material, products and technologies duel use are shown as uneducated and insufficient. 

Author: Jordi Calvo Rufanges.

You can download the report here in Spanish. Soon in English and Catalan.

La política de exportaciones de armamento de los países de la Unión europea a África (2002-2010)

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La política de exportaciones de armamento de los países de la Unión europea a África (2002-2010). Especial consideración a las exportaciones españolas

The exports to Africa represent 7% of the total arms trade in the European Union and 6% in Spain. The countries of the EU prefer to maintain their trade partnerships in the subject to apply strict criterion to protect the human rights and conflict prevention or encouragement of sustainable development. That is how the export to Angola, Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda. In other words, exporting countries have made their priority to economic, social, commercial and industrial interest.

This study the result of the call of aid to the research RIP 2010.

Author: Eduardo Melero.

You can download the report here in Spanish. Soon in English and Catalan.

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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org