Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Report 9: The controversial Spanish arms trade, a secret business 2001-2010

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Informes


The controversial Spanish arms trade, a secret business 2001-2010

The Centre of Delàs presents report 9, where it’s shown that the Spanish State, in 2013 alone, has sold 1,128 million of weapons, many of them destined to countries with armed conflicts, tension, and were human rights are violated.

Authors: Tica Font and Francesc Benitez.

You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

Report 8: Spanish arms exports 2000-2009

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Informes

Portada_Informe_8_catSpanish arms exports 2000-2009

The Centre Delàs presents the report 8, in which shows that Spain has become one of the most competitive arm exporter in the world, only behind the world powers. In addition, the Spanish sales do not respect to a great extend the national legislation and the European Union in the sales of armament.

Author: Tica Font.

You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

Militarismo en América Latina

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Militarismo en América Latina

Este trabajo se focaliza en alertar acerca del militarismo en ascenso que está sufriendo el continente, y advertir que este hecho puede frenar el desarrollo económico y social, a la vez que puede abrir la puerta a nuevos conflictos armados.

Authors: Pere Ortega and Juan Sebastián Gómez.

You can download the report here in Spanish and Catalan. Soon in English.

Report 7: The Truth About the Spanish Military Expenditure 2011

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The truth about military expenditure 2011. Military expenditure and R&D in times of crisis

The Centre Delàs presents its report 7, in which confirms the severe economic crisis and international depression because of the deficit reduction. In addition, the Spanish government aims to continue favor military spending and military R&D compared to other such as health and education, that see its budget greatly reduced compared to military budget.

Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas.

You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

NeoConOpticon Report

Written by Transnational Institute on . Posted in Informes

NeoConOpticon Report

The book from the Transnational Institute, reveals the tight established relations between security policies of the European Commission of the EU and the great industrial military groups that, in mutual agreement, have casted shared programs of security. This has produced a drift to militarized security, as show in multiple initiatives (ESPR, FRONTEX...) casted from the EU. A report that alerts about the increase of European military industry lobby, in which threatens to and takes away civil liberties to the European population.

You can download the report here in English and Spanish. Soon in Catalan.

Think tanks y complejo industrial militar

Written by Valentina Saini on . Posted in Informes

Think tanks y complejo industrial militar
This work claims to offer an analysis of the structure and the three functions of the most important think tanks and represented by the United States, all of the voices in Washington. The three, although have different political views, have the explicit missions to defend and promote the interest of North Americans in the world, and to consolidate the US hegemony as the absolute power of the 21st century.
Author: Valentina Saini.
You can download the report here in Spanish. Soon in English and Catalan.

Report: Spain-Israel

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Informes

Report: Spain-Israel
The violence suffered in the Palestine nation has become a source of earnings to the potential military industrial complex Israel, but also to other countries. In this report, we analyze the deepness of this relations revealing who are the actors, companies, arms trade and the military link between Spanish and Israel.
Author: Alejandro Pozo Marín.
You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

Report 6: Spanish arms exports 1999-2008

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Informes

Spanish arms exports 1999-2008

The 2008 exports are once again were the highest exports in Spain’s history. They placed sixth place in the world’s ranking and continue to have 2% of the world’s exports.

Authors: Tica Font and Francesc Benítez.
You can download the report here in English, Spanish or Catalan.

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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org