Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Report: Border Wars. The arms dealers profiting from the Europe's refugee tragedy

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portada Guerras-de-Frontera cast corregitBorder Wars Report: The arms dealers profiting from Europe's refugee tragedy

This new report, published by theTransnational InstituteStop Wapenhandel and Centre Delàs d’estudis per la Pau, reveals how European manufacturers and sellers of weapons benefit from the tragedy of refugees. This report exposes the military and security companies that have profited from the tragedy, winning contracts to provide the equipment to border guards, the surveillance technology to monitor frontiers, and the IT infrastructure to track population movements.The study analyzes how the European policy response to refugees has led to a large increase in the budget that benefits the border security industry, dominated by large companies weapons. The report also points to a growing convergence of interests between European political leaders who seek to militarize the borders and the arms and security industry.

Author: Mark Akkerman
English text editors: Nick Buxton and Wendela de Vries
Spanish translation: Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau

 You can download here the executive summary in English, Spanish and Catalan, and the full report in Spanish

Report 28: Banks investements in weapons

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portada InformeBA2016 anglesBanks investments in weapons, is an update of the financing of nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and major arms companies in the Spanish military industry from 2011 up to 2016.

This new report reveals the funding of 34 arms companies, including the most important in the world, and identifies the financial institutions that conform the 'Armed banking', which compiles 80,000 million euros funding of the arms industry between 2011 and 2016

Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges, Michelle Delgado and Ana Fraga

You can download the report here in English,  Spanish and Catalan 

Report of Center Delàs and ECP: Central African Republic: Walking the Fine Line of (un) Governability

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portada informeRCA anglesReport of Center Delàs and ECP: Central African Republic: Walking the Fine Line of (un) Governability


This unique report analyzes the current situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) in which the key internal and external characters, are determinant in the continued political instability that feeds military coups, dictatorships and fosters the uprising discomfort among the civil society. The causes of the causes of the confrontation of political elites are studied, such as the marginalization of a large sector of the country’s population and the growing inequality among genders. It is noteworthy that the crisis and disintegration suffered by CAR has elements linked to ethnic confrontations, fragmentation of the armed groups perpetuators of violence and the exploitation of religion. The report gives visibility to the role of the European Union in the militarization of the region through the export of defense materials as of small and light weapons. The case of arms exports from Spain to the CAR and the relative Spanish companies profiting from the instability of the company are fully contemplated in this work.

Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges (Centre Delàs) and Josep Maria Royo Aspa (ECP)

You can download the report here in English, Catalan and Spanish


Report of Delàs Center and the ECP: Democratic Republic of Congo: Comprehensive review of 20 years of war

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portada InformeRDC englishReport of Delàs Center and the ECP: Democratic Republic of Congo: Comprehensive review of 20 years of war

This study co-conducted by Escola de Cultura de Pau (School of Peace Culture) and Centre Delas d’estudis per la Pau (Delàs Study Center for Peace), aims to identify the roots and causes of the conflict suffered by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the main active armed actors directly involved in it. The report also presents an analysis of the arms race in the region, including data analysis on exports of defense material from the EU to the DRC, as of transfers and diversions of arms to the DRC and neighboring countries. Militarism in the country is subject of evaluation in this report in relation with military spending. In addition, the study integrates an analysis of the political economy of war, the role of natural resources and the gender dimension within the conflict.

Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges (Centre Delàs) and Josep Maria Royo Aspa (ECP)

Research support: Elena Fernandez Sandiumenge, Laura Marco Gamundi, Eira Massip Planas, Maria Villellas Ariño

You can download the full report here in English, Catalan and Spanish

Centro Delàs' Report: Saudi Arabia and bombings in Yemen: the responsibilities of the Spanish State

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Portada ArabiaSaudi informe2016 englishSaudi Arabia and bombings in Yemen: the responsibilities of the Spanish State

Facing the civil war in Yemen and the active participation of Saudi Arabia to it, the Delas Center considers necessary to analyze the role of the Spanish government in this conflict through weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, in order to elucidate its possible responsibilities. This document analyzes briefly the Yemen context, the violations of International Right and International Humanitarian Right perpetrated by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia as well as the Spanish contribution to the war through arms sales and cooperation agreements with Saudis authorities. The document presents, as well, various political recommendations to the Spanish and European authorities.

Authors: Abel Rium Ainhoa Ruiz, Tica Font and Camino Simarro

You can download the report in EnglishCastellano and Catalán

Report 27: Spanish arms exports 2005-2014. Fueling conflicts in the Middle East

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Portadainforme27 Cas

Spanish arms exports 2005-2014. Fueling conflicts in the Middle East

The Delàs Center publishes its own analysis of Spanish arms exports in a context in which the responsibility of the West in relation to the conflicts ravaging the planet and in particular the Middle East, is seen with the importance it deserves after refugees fleeing wars fueled in part by weapons manufactured in Spain.

Authors: Tica Font, Eduardo Melero and Camino Simarro

You can download the report in English,  Spanish and Catalan

Report 26: Fraud and improvisation in military spending. 2016 Spanish military budget analysis

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Portada Informe 26Fraud and improvisation in military spending. 2016 Spanish military budget analysis

Every year, after the Spanish Government submits the proposal for General State Budget, the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau analyses the military expenditure in this country in order to acquire an accurate knowledge of the real spending allocated to defence-related activities. The initial budget for Defence in 2016 is conservative in relation to the one in 2015, when it was increased for the fist time since the beginning of the international financial crisis. At the same time, it is clearly an electioneering strategy since it has been submitted by the government as a "social" budget after years of severe cost cuttings.

This report reveals how the Defence budget is "tailored" in order to make it appear inferior to the public than it will be in the end.

Authors: Pere Ortega and Xavier Bohigas.

You can download the report here in SpanishCatalan and in English.


Informe: Asedio a las comunidades: Los impactos de una empresa catalana, Grup TCB, en Buenaventura, Colombia

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Informe colombia

Asedio a las comunidades: Los impactos de una empresa catalana, Grup TCB, en Buenaventura, Colombia

El presente informe nació de dos inquietudes: La primera, provocada por la situación de extrema violencia y de barbarie que se vive en la ciudad de Buenaventura. Una violencia conocida, pero que más de 30.000 bonaverenses supieron poner de actualidad en las portadas de la prensa colombiana en una valiente manifestación realizada el 19 de febrero del pasado año. Y la segunda inquietud se generó al saber que una empresa catalana, el Grup Marítim Terminal de Contenidors de Barcelona, SL, (Grup TCB), tiene una millonaria inversión en el puerto de esta ciudad del Pacífico.

Autores: Tomàs Gisbert, Maria Jesús Pinto y Javier Sulé

Pudes descargar aquí el informe en castellano.

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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org