Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Report 37: Armed Banking in Spain 2019

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portada Informe37 BancaArmada2019 CAST  Armed Banking in Spain 2019

 This new report, reveals the financing to 31 companies dedicated in part or totally to the production of weapons, among which are some of the most important arms           manufacturers in the world, Airbus, Boeing, General Dynamics, Thales or Leonardo. Armed Banking in Spain 2019, also includes financing dedicated to Spanish   companies such as Maxam, Navantia, Indra, Oesia or Sener.

 The report, which is the eighth made in the framework of the Armed Banking Campaign, identifies the 39 financial entities that make up the Spanish Armed Banking where   BBVA, Banco   Santander, BANKIA, Banca March, Caixabank, Banco Sabadell, insurers such as Mutua Madrileña or including publicly owned organizations such as ICO or   SEPI. The report manages to   link a total number of investments destined to the financing of the arms sector of 8,622 million euros between 2013 and 2018.

 Author: Jordi Calvo Rufanges. Internship researchers: Nuria Pineda Morante and Pau Solís Tutusaus.

 Check and download the full report in spanish here.

Report 36: Gender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West

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informe36 portada GenderAndSecurity web ENGGender and security policies. A feminist look into the impacts of militarization in the West

The rise of the populist far right, which rules alone or in coalition in the USA and in ten European countries, predicts a dark period towards freedom rights, especially to women and LGTBI rights.

Policies against people’s rights cling to the idea of returning to the national security, focused on the State protection by military means. This return to a past of order and security is based on the patriarchal family, the confinement of women in private spaces and the invisibility of dissident sexualities.

Consequently, militarism and military expenditure increase, and countries develop control and massive monitoring techniques that sneak into people’s daily life and change how they interact. Furthermore, states cut down economic resources invested on social issues, expanding the gap between the rich and the poor.

This report gathers the contributions of Feminist Studies in the security field to determine the material impacts of securitization in the West. These impacts are translated into economic and community insecurity; migration prosecution and discrimination towards ethnic minorities; personal and physical insecurity, accentuated due to stereotypes that feed genre violence and impunity; and insecurity regarding health access, especially sexual and reproductive health.

Author: Nora Miralles. With the collaboration of Guillem Mases Gavaldà.

You can download the executive summary in English, in Spanish and in Catalan, and the full report in English, in Spanish andin Catalan.

Informe del Centro Delàs, Fundació Novessendes y Setem Comunitat Valenciana: "De la Banca Armada a la Banca Ética. Hacia una coherencia de políticas y una cultura de paz. El caso de la Generalitat Valenciana"

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Portada Informe BancaArmada GeneValenciana

El informe "De la Banca Armada a la Banca Ética. Hacia una coherencia de políticas y una cultura de paz. El caso de la Generalitat Valenciana" tiene el objetivo de identificar la realidad financiera de la principal administración pública valenciana, la Generalitat Valenciana, y la factibilidad de conseguir una transición hacia una mayor implicación con las finanzas éticas. Todo ello en el marco de las medidas de coherencia de políticas y de promoción de la economía social y solidaria de esta administración. En este estudio nos preguntamos si la Generalitat Valenciana permite que la gestión financiera de sus principales actividades que requieren de un banco recaiga en manos de entidades financieras que mediante sus inversiones puedan tener impactos negativos en la paz y los derechos humanos. El caso de la financiación de la industria militar es un buen ejemplo de esta posible incoherencia de políticas.

Por encargo de la Fundación Novessendes y Setem Comunidad Valenciana, este informe ha sido realizado siguiendo la metodología de trabajo puesta en marcha por el Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz y Setem Catalunya, en calidad de expertos en la financiación de la industria armamentista e impulsores y coordinadores de la campaña Banca Armada desde el suyos inicios, en 2006.

Autores: Audrey Esnault, Jordi Calvo (Ed.)

Consulta y descarga informe completo en valenciano aquí.

Delas Centre and Novact report: The transformation of the industrial-military complex

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informeThe transformation of the industrial-military complex. Evolution, influence and violation of human rights in Homeland Security

This report has been carried out within the framework of the project “STOP CORPORATE WARS” of prevention of modern warfare. It is part of the investigation and monitorization conducted by the Observatory Shock Monitor about the impact of modern war on human rights, and also the result of the joint effort of NOVACT and Centre Delàs.

The report “The transformation of the industrial-military complex. Evolution, influence and violation of human rights in Homeland Security” was presented last November in Barcelona, in the context of the International Conference “Facing the privatization of war and security”. In that event, challenges, impacts and strategies to deal with the privatization of war and to guarantee human security and human rights were tackled, taking into account the increasing role played by military and private security companies in armed conflict, occupation and national security contexts.

Along with the purposes of the project and of Shock Monitor, this report aims to contribute towards the establishment of the basis to create an international work network to face the phenomenon of the privatization of war and security.

Authors: Jordi Calvo Rufanges (Coord.), Xavier Bohigas, Teresa de Fortuny, Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto, Felip Daza, Carlos Díaz i John Andrew Carter Jr.

You can download the full report in Spanish, soon available in English.

Report 35: Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

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Portada informe35 BuildingWalls ENG

Building Walls. Policies of fear and securitization in the European Union

This report published by Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, Transnational Institute (TNI) and Stop Wapenhandel, reveals that member states of the European Union and the Schenghen area have constructed almost 1000 km of walls, the equivalent of more than six times the total length of the Berlin Walls,1 since the nineties to prevent displaced people migrating into Europe. These physical walls are accompanied by even longer ‘maritime walls’, naval operations patrolling the Mediterranean, as well as ‘virtual walls’, border control systems that seek to stop people entering or even travelling within Europe, and control movement of population. Europe has turned itself in the process into a fortress excluding those outside– and in the process also increased its use of surveillance and militarised technologies that has implications for its citizens within the walls.

Europe’s building of walls, closing borders, increasing surveillance and securitisation, and increasing suspension of free flows of people is creating a Fortress Europe. The stated goal is to increase security against a supposed threat, but in the end it is creating a more dangerous situation for the life and rights of people inside Europe and beyond.

Authors: Ainhoa Ruiz Benedicto and Pere Brunet

Editors: Jordi Calvo and Nick Buxton (TNI)

 You can download the executive summary in English, in Spanish, in Germanin Dutch, and in Catalan, and the full report in English, in Spanish and in Catalan.


Indra Sistemas S.A., armas para la guerra y la militarización de fronteras

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portadaINDRA CAST def baixa

Indra es una de las principales compañías militares en España y una de las principales en defensa y seguridad en Europa. Indra tiene una fuerte presencia en los lobbys en Europa y una estrecha relación con el Gobierno español (el 18,7% de sus acciones es propiedad de SEPI -empresa gubernamental pública), y este activo lobby ha dado como resultado una gran cantidad de proyectos y contratos públicos para Indra.

Este documento analiza el papel de Indra en la militarización de las fronteras, a través de la construcción de una tercera valla en la frontera española en Melilla, donde se han documentado numerosas vulneraciones de derechos a personas migradas. "Indra Sistemas S.A., armas para la guerra y la militarización de fronteras" también pone el foco sobre la relación de Indra con la guerra del Yemen, ya que el ejército saudí usa armas con componentes y productos electrónicos producidos por Indra, como el Eurofighter -Arabia Saudita lidera una coalición internacional que lleva a cabo operaciones militares en Yemen en las que ha bombardeado objetivos civiles-.

Este documento se elaboró para la presentación del "Caso Indra" en la Audiencia del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos sobre la violación con impunidad de los Derechos Humanos de las personas migradas y refugiadas, que tuvo lugar del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2018 en Barcelona.

Report of Delàs Center and ECP: Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension

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Portada Informe ComerçArmesTensio ENGArms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension

"Arms trade and conflicts. Analysis of European exports to countries in tension" is a report of the Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace and the Escola de Cultura de Pau that analyses the exports of armament for part of the States member of the UE during 2015 (most recent year with available information of exports) to countries that during this year were in situation of tension. The report analyses the exports of arms to 20 countries that they were stage of 28 tensions, offering an analysis of context of the different tensions, doing reference so much to the recent history of each tension, as the concrete facts more relevant that did occur during 2015.

Authors: (Analysis of European arms exports 2015) Jordi Calvo, Nora Miralles, Ainhoa Ruiz, Eduard Vega; (Armed conflicts during 2015) Josep Maria Royo, Jordi Urgell, Pamela Urrutia, Ana Villellas, María Villellas

You can download the executive summary in English, in Spanish and in Catalan. And the full report in Englishin English, in Spanish and in Catalan.

Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU's border externalisation programme

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The EU has made migration control a central goal of its foreign relations, rapidly expanding border externalisation measures that require neighbouring countries to act as Europe's border guards. The report "Expanding the fortress. The policies, the profiteers and the people shaped by EU's border externalisation programme", published by Transnational Institute (TNI), Stop Wapenhandel and Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace, examines 35 countries, prioritised by the EU, and finds authoritarian regimes emboldened to repress civil society, vulnerable refugees forced to turn to more dangerous and deadly routes, and European arms and security firms booming off the surge in funding for border security systems and technologies.

Author: Mark Akkerman

You can download the executive summary in English, in Spanish and in Catalan Catalan, and the full report in English, soon available in Spanish.

Link to the summary video from the reporthttps://youtu.be/SsssVTm2fi4

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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

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08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org