Observatory on disarmament, arms trade, armed conflict and culture of peace
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Is a Nation without an army possible in the 21st Century?

Written by Pere Ortega on . Posted in Seguretat i defensa

Armies were first conceived to provide security to states and to defend from potential external attacks. This approach has pushed states to arms themselves with powerful armed forces to deter attacks from other states. The universal character of this argument has been generalized by fear that has lead to a vicious cycle with seemingly no limits: The current arms race. As of today, in the EU there are 1,559,000 soldiers, NATO has 3.858 million soldiers and worldwide there are as many as 20.8 Million. Without a doubt that is an excessive number of soldiers to confront the risks, threats, and dangers of the real world, in addition to the $ 1.8 billion in global military spending.

Videojuegos violentos como violencia cultural

Written by Eduardo Salvador on . Posted in Articles

No solemos ser conscientes del negocio montado detrás de una cultura de la violencia. Nos parece impensable que haya empresas a quienes interese la violencia cultural mediante películas o juegos de violencia virtual cada vez más reales. En el pasado, había quien leía « El caso » y la gente se sorprendía al saberlo. Actualmente, ya no. Para mayores y también para adolescentes ha llegado a ser normal ver programas de asesinos en serie, no parece raro. Desgraciadamente sigue sin ser raro que veamos videojuegos de extrema violencia en donde el videojuego verse, por ejemplo, en perseguir y noquear a mujeres por la calle, o trate sobre actuar como asesinos urbanos escogiendo diferentes armas para matar a cualquiera que se le aparezca a uno por delante; sea el camarero, el pedigüeño, –que pide que no le maten–  o cualquier mujer que se interponga en nuestro camino. Sí, lo virtual parece que nos da un poder absoluto pero ¿es ese poder inocuo?  No olvidemos que la violencia cultural según Johann Galtung daría la base filosófica o justificativa de la violencia directa o de la violencia estructural.

Las armas de la UE hacia a Oriente Medio

Written by Tica Font on . Posted in Indústria i comerç d'armes

Las exportaciones de armas de la UE hacia Oriente Medio están aumentando de manera importante. Unas ventas que alimentan los conflictos de la región y que están en contra de la Posición Común de la propia UE. Artículo de Tica Font publicado en Público el 27/04/2015

Propuestas de paz desarme y no violencia para los municipios-Elecciones municipales 2015

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Articles

Antes de las elecciones municipales que tendrán lugar el próximo día 24 de mayo, el Centro Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau ha elaborado propuestas para implementar la cultura de paz, el desarme y la no violencia en los municipios. Son recomendaciones elaboradas por los Consejos de Cooperación de los municipios por tal de que la cultura de paz siga uno de esos que han de regir los políticos municipales de cooperación, solidaridad y ayuda al desarrollo.

Global Day of Action on Military Spending.

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Economia de defensa

The world’s military spending reaches 1.8 billion dollars

In Spain, for the first time since the crisis started in 2008, there has been an increase in the military budget


Coinciding with the Global Day of Action on Military Spending, today, SIPRI published their annual military spending report in 2014, in which confirms the world’s military spending and in real terms for three consecutive years although it is only 0.5%. In any case, the world’s military spending continues to have the huge sum of 1.8 billion dollars. While there is a reduction of budgets in Western defence, for austerity policies in Western Europe and budgets limitations of the United States, this seems to balance out the increase of military spending in Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Within the States that spend the most on defence, the United States, is the country with the highest budget for military issues. The next top three countries in the world ranking are China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, have increased their military spending in 2014. In the top ten military budgets the main European powers remain (France, United Kingdom, and Germany), India, Japan, and South Korea.

In Europe, while the Western countries budgets do not change or lightly decrease, the countries in central Europe have increased their defense budgets. While the Ukraine crisis has not influenced the budgets for defence- except in Ukraine - there are signs of increase in 2015 in countries of central and northern Europe.

In Spain, for the first time since the crisis in 2008 there has been an increase in military budget. The Spanish government has presented a defence budget for 2015 that has an increase of 1.1%. In addition to other budgets in recent years, the budget for the Ministry of defence is undervalued, being that the military spending is probably going to be 30% higher than estimated, because of the other budget items given to the Special Programs of Armament, to the cost of overseas military operations and the increase of military R&D spending. The real military spending for 2015 is probably going to reach 17,000 million euros, 4% of the budget, 353 euros per person.

In context of dismantling the Welfare State and continuous cuts on social policies, we cannot allow more of the public money going to the military sector. The Study Centre for Peace J.M. Delàs is a promoting member of the Global Campaign on Military Spending GDAMS, fight for the reduction of military spending to invest on welfare spending.

Who does Spain sell weapons to?

Written by Centre Delàs on . Posted in Indústria i comerç d'armes

Infographic of the Spanish Arms Exports 2013 in basis of the Report 24: Spanish Arms Exports 2004-2013. Does the government promote illegal arms exports? By Tica Font, Eduardo Melero and Camino Simarro


Tácticas Alinski, manual para activistas - Tica Font

Written by Tica Font on . Posted in Cultura de pau

Las tácticas de Saul Alinski son un excelente manual para activistas sociales. Artículo de Tica Font aparecido en Público el 16/03/2015

Guerras sucias

Written by Pere Ortega on . Posted in Conflictes i guerres

En la mayoría de las guerras actuales nos encontramos con la dificultad de situarnos en que bando se encuentran los valores que justificarían un posicionamiento en su defensa. Articulo aparecido en Público el 23/3/2015

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Centre d'Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs

Adress: Carrer Erasme de Janer, 8 (Entresol - despatx 9)
08001 Barcelona SPAIN
Phone: +(34) 93 441 19 47
Email: info@centredelas.org